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Minutes 6-17-08
The Fairfield Hills Authority held a regular meeting on June 17, 2008 in the meeting room at Town Hall South, Main Street, Newtown, CT.  Bob Geckle called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m.

Present:  Bob Geckle, Chairman, Don Studley, John Reed, Walter Motyka, Michael Holmes

Also Present:  Joe Borst, First Selectman, Lilla Dean, Chair of Planning & Zoning, Ed Marks, Parks & Rec., Maria DeMarco, DeMarco Management, Dave Cravanzola, O & G, one member of the press and several members of the public.

Absent:  Julia Wasserman, Andrew Willie, Moira Rodgers and Amy Dent.

1.      Public Participation:  Ruby Johnson. 16 Chestnut Hill Road, Sandy Hook CT, discussed the budget report and asked if the Authority would consider separating the “Fields and Trails” budget items.  She felt that lumping “Fields and Trails” under one item is not the best way to communicate to people.    

Donald Studley stated that the preliminary allocations shown on the financial report tie into AIA documents the town receives from O & G.  This additional information is available at the Town Clerk’s office.

Ms. Johnson stated that the information isn’t always filed in the Town Clerks office and would like the information to be as clear as possible.

Lorrain Frampton, 6 Pebble Road, asked for clarification of a statement made by Bob Geckle at the Legislative Council stressing that the Fairfield Hills Authority does not have responsibility for Municipal Projects.  She also asked why a golf course was not considered at Fairfield Hills.  

Bob Geckle stated the Authority is not responsible for Town or Municipal structures on the campus.  Mr. Geckle addressed the second question stating that being a golfer, he knows there is not enough land for a golf course, do to the fact that the campus is only 187 acres and the buildings and open space occupy the bulk of it.

Gary Fetzer, 18 Sugar Street, Newtown, submitted and discussed his “Green Marketing” proposal titled “Altering the Paradyms of Marketing Fairfield Hills”.  He discussed alternative ideas including housing for younger residents and connecting the trail system that could be used as alternative modes of transportation for Newtown residents that work within Newtown.

2.      Acceptance of Minutes

Walter Motyka motioned to approve the minutes of June 5, 2008.  Don Studley seconded the motion.  All in attendance approved the motion.

3.      Finance Committee Report

The Authority was in possession of the monthly financial report (See attached).  Don Studley reviewed the Fairfield Hills Operating Expense Report.  

John Reed motioned that the Authority discuss with the First Selectman to have the Director of Finance prepare a Monthly Finance Report pertaining to financial aspects of Fairfield Hills.  Motion seconded by Donald Studley.  

A discussion continued regarding the communication of information that is the Authority’s responsibilities.  It was felt that the reports should be the responsibility of the Director of Finance and the information be discussed during the Board of Selectmen meetings.  

After lengthy discussion, John Reed withdrew the motion.  It was determined that there will be a discussion with the First Selectman and the Finance Director.  Don Studley and Bob Geckle will also be in attendance.

Maria DeMarco updated the Authority on operating results.  There will be Police training on the campus all week, which will be transparent.  There are bids out for the main entrance sign.  She purchased new flags at $50.00 each.  There has been questions about the street names.  They have not been approved.  She will follow up with Fred Hurley on the layout of the roads.  There has been vandalism with people stealing copper.  She asked if the Authority would consider moving what’s left and storing it. Maria will get cost. The pet ordinance signs seem to be working well.

Motion:  Walt Motyka made a motion to adjourn the meeting.  John Reed seconded the motion.

The meeting adjourned at 9:01 p.m.